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Girl with red hair and freckles.

Dramatic Freckles Photoshop Action

Product information




This Photoshop action will bring out freckles in portraits.


This Photoshop action will bring out freckles in portraits. If you want to adjust the look, go to “Edit” then “Step Backward”. You can then adjust the sliders in the “Channel Mixer” layer, keeping in mind that more blue and less red while in the red and green channel will make the look more dramatic. Conversely, more red and less blue will have the opposite effect.

  • Also, I finally accept it. I’m just not going to be able to get a post up every day, but I’m going to keep trying. Lately, until today, I haven’t had a creative bone in my body! No photography. No art. Nothing. It’s just my mid-winter blues getting the better of me.
  • As an old and now deceased friend once said “Artists. Temperamental at best.”

Š 2024