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Photography business

Learn about the business side of photography and build and grow a thriving business...

Starting a photography business

A photography business encompasses a variety of elements from capturing the photos to handling and managing operations, sales, marketing, and business development.

Freelance photography

Freelance photography is a popular route for photographers looking to start a photography business. Freelance photography offers flexibility and the opportunity to work on new and exciting projects. Getting started is the hard part, however, and you'll most likely find out that you not only need to take great photos, but you should have an understanding of marketing, sales, and general business development.

Client management

Client management as a freelancer is all about having good people skills. Skill such as clear and effective communication, an understanding of empathy and client needs, and the commitment to delivering exceptional service will encourage repeat business and referrals.

Photography website

A website is crucial for any business, and the same holds true for photographers. On a website, photographers can showcase their portfolio and attract new clients. A photography website acts as a professional online presence where potential clients can view our work, learn about our style, and make contact.

Photography sales

Sales in photography is learning how to effectively communicate your offering to your potential clients. Not only are you trying to sell your services, but also prints or even digital downloads. A big part of sales is about being personable and remembering that the client and their requests should be #1 as long as they are keeping it professional.

Photography operations

Photography operations involves the day-to-day activities of running your photography business. This can include scheduling shoots, scouting locations for the shoot, managing your equipment, editing photos, managing employees, and handling the financial side of the business like invoicing and expenses. Efficient operations are crucial to any successful business.

Photography marketing

Photography marketing is all about bringing your product or service into the market and the strategies you use to do so. Marketing as a photographer often entails figuring out what pricing you want to set, what types of photoshoot packages you want to offer, how you want to position your brand, and the channels you want to use to market your product such as social media, SEO, paid ads, etc.

Together, all these elements form the backbone of a successful photography business.

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